Nier automata walkthrough escape factory
Nier automata walkthrough escape factory

  • Final U: deb nked: Use self-destruct to blow up the Bunker!.
  • Final T: goes to error: From the Skills menu, remove the Operating System.
  • Final S: city and cape: In the third game, escape from the twins Popola and Devola as soon as the hacking begins.
  • Final R: mave ick: Destroy the "Peaceful" Robots where Pascal is in the abandoned factory.
  • Final Q: uestionable actions: In the third game, in chapter 11-07 you have to escape from 2B, right at the beginning of it.
  • Final P: corru tion: During the third game, we do nothing and let 2B die.
  • Final O: just y u and me: As soon as you start the third game, leave the battle.
  • Final N: or man's village: Enter Pascal's village and… Kill everyone!.
  • Final M: break you and: During the third game, don't help Pascal and don't enter his village.
  • Final L: one wolf: Fail the final mission by exiting the fight during the first game.
  • nier automata walkthrough escape factory

    Final K: aji wo utta: Taste the Mackerel Jackass gave you at the desert camp.

    nier automata walkthrough escape factory

    Final J: bad udgment: When you enter the abandoned factory with Pascal, immediately kill the robots, including the priest.Final I: no in team: In the Clone City, defeat Adam but move away from 9S soon after.Final H: a mountain too igh: Flee the battle and fail the mission when the second Goliah enters the city.Final G: hun ry for knowledge: Once you have seen the A ending, you have to make the mission where 9S reaches you with a crane fail.Final F: mission ailed: Let the time run out while 9S tries to restore its OS.Final E: the nd of YoRHa: Once you have the C and D endings in the third game, wait for the credits and accept the POD request at the end.Final D: chil hood's end: Also in the third game select "9S" during the battle with the last Boss.Final C: meaningless ode: In the third game select "A2" with the final Boss, then select "No" when prompted for POD during the credits.Final B: or not to and: Pick up from the same save where you got Ending A.Final A: flowers for m chines: We just need to complete the game the first time.Sharpen the blade and let's start with the NieR: Automata ending guide:

    nier automata walkthrough escape factory

    The "Official" endings are those from letter A to letter E (first 5), while the others are epilogues in which you will arrive if you make, let's say, questionable choices. Oh yes, the beautiful endings of NieR: Automata, the adrenaline-pumping masterpiece of PlatinumGames (produced by Square Enix) has a total of in-game endings 26 variants! One for each letter of the alphabet.

    Nier automata walkthrough escape factory